Team Driver Chris Leal went crawling with his local friends and tells us about the fun.
Durability, team work, and careful planning made this adventure even more fun.
This month we stuck close to home and had some fun on our local trails with Plumas County Scalers. We drove our normal Stover Mountain Trail and had some fun finding a few new lines. My ScalerFab Wraith Armor Skid Plates definitely shined in a few spots, taking a hard drop and doing what they do, "skidding" over some other terrain. On our way up, a driver up front tipped over trying to climb a rock that was to steep with out help, so of course I used my winch and had him back on his wheels in no time. We made it up the hill with no more issues and stopped for lunch before we headed towards the river to wash the trucks. It was a great day for our RC adventure with our local Plumas County Scalers. #areyouscalerenough #scalerfab
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